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devilsphere007 Admin Member
10 posts
9 topics
Minecraft: devilsphere007
Badges: 2
10 months ago

Protect your builds and expand your claims with ease. 

When setting your first home via bed spawn or command /sethome "name" or even placing your first chest it will automatically claim a section of land for you. And can be further adjusted with a gold shovel, you can also check your claim boundaries by clicking the claim with a stick in hand.

Want you mates to build in you claim use /trust or even make a subclaim in your claim where they can build with /subdivideclaims and use you gold shovel to create a claim in you claim.

Full list of commands:


Command Description Alias
/AbandonClaim Deletes the claim you’re standing in.  
/ClaimExplosions Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim.  
/Trust Gives another player permission to edit in your claim. /t
/UnTrust Revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim. /ut
/AccessTrust Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds. /at
/ContainerTrust Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals. /ct
/TrustList Lists the permissions for the claim you’re standing in.  
/SubdivideClaims Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims. /sc
/RestrictSubclaim Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim. /rsc
/BasicClaims Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode. /bc
/PermissionTrust Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others. /pt
/Untrust All Removes all permissions for all players in your claim.  
/AbandonAllClaims Deletes all of your claims.  
/BuyClaimBlocks Converts server money to claim blocks. /BuyClaim
/SellClaimBlocks Converts claim blocks to server money. /SellClaim
/GivePet Gives away a tamed animal.  
/ClaimsList Lists a player’s claims and claim block details.  
/IgnorePlayer Ignores a target player’s chat messages. /Ignore
/UnIgnorePlayer Un-ignores a target player’s chat messages. /UnIgnore
/IgnoredPlayerList Lists all players currently ignored. /IgnoreList
/Siege Besieges a player (disabled by default).  
/Trapped Gets a player out of a land claim he’s trapped inside.  
/UnlockDrops Allows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died.  

Last edited: 10 months ago